Thursday, May 1, 2008

my favorite medium

My favorite illustration tool, as of late, is Adobe Illustrator. Five years ago, the program intimidated me, but with practice, research and hand on training, I learned to love the program. I now teach Vector Graphics, to pay it forward. I try and challenge myself with each new project I come up with. Here is my illustration of Dr. Frankenstein running into his creation. This took a lot of layers and a few passes with the Pathfinder tool. I do an initial sketch on paper with a trusty Col-Erase blue pencil, scan it,  make it a template and start planning out color schemes.

Why Animation?

As another semester wraps up, I am encouraged by the animation students who have completed the History of Animation course. We try to show the students that their idols or heroes in the field started out young, impressionable, and hungry, just like them. It is hard to wrap your head around the idea that an icon like Walt Disney started out in animation before he was 20. Consider who your favorite animator is, and why? Then consider who influenced him/her. The answer may influence you even more so!